Friday 23 February 2018

Evaluation 4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Evaluation 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Evaluation 3:

For this question, we had decided to interview a few of our classmates and ask them questions to gather audience feedback and created a video as shown below:

From creating this video, we had received a lot of feedback from our fellow classmates. What was brought up a lot throughout the video is that they all liked the amount of locations and the specific locations we used in our music video. Another favourite of theirs was the scenes with the actress in the black dress with the black setting near the end of our music video. They liked how those scenes were powerful with the setting and the lip syncing. One thing that our editor was proud of in the music video, was the scene where the clicking happens which changes the scene too, which was what Connor had pointed out. We thought that part of the video was very effective. In the video above, we had also asked them how different our finished music video was compared to our rough cut, they had all mentioned that the editing was much better and on point in the finished music video than the rough cut. The most important feedback we had received is how we could have improved the music video. Damola had said that in the shot of the singer looking over the bride was quite long without and lip syncing, he had also said we had made it slightly look like a montage and to improve this we would cut the footage shorter and add another bit of footage afterwards. Chloe had also suggested to us that we should include more close up footage so we thought to improve that we would have included close ups of the singer's eyes or lips to show the extra emotion throughout the video. Damola and Gemma had also both mentioned that they saw little moments where the lip syncing was a little off and it wasn't completely perfect.

Below are some comments we received on youtube that were under our finished music video: