Thursday 21 September 2017

Record Companies/Styles of Music

                                Record Companies and Organic and Synthetic Music


The music industry is dominated mostly by four multinational companies. These companies are;

- Universal
Image result for universal music

-Sony Music

Image result for sony music

-Warner Brothers

Image result for warner brothers music


Image result for EMI music

These companies are mostly referred to as 'The Majors' and the majority of them are backed by conglomerates with stakes in other industries such as film, TV, and the electronics.


Most of these majors own or maybe license a series of smaller companies in order to reach different kinds of audiences in different genres of music and film.


Image result for columbia music


Image result for island music company logo


Image result for syco music


Image result for RCA music


Image result for virgin music

All these companies are know as the major independents.


There are a huge number of small companies with little or even no financial connection to the bugger majors. These companies often concentrate on small amount of acts within specialised places in the industry and these are called independents. An example of an independent company is Domino Records. It is quite often that record labels begin as independent record labels, but then they are bought by a major company which then means they become major independents.


Artists can be divided between two categories which is organic music and synthetic music.

The term 'organic' is used in order to describe  bands where the music comes first. They make the music they want to make and then their record labels try to sell the music to the right market and audience. Organic music can often appeal to be a niche but can also appeal to a large audience too.
The Beatles and the band Radiohead are good examples of organic bands. The members in each of these bands came to know each other and they shared the love of music, then they created music in which the fame came afterwards.

Synthetic refers to manufactured groups (X Factor methodology) and it's the record labels that are mainly in charge. If a gap in the market is identified then it is usually exploited by the development of music and sometimes the artist, fill this gap. Money is the usual goal in this operation and bands such as One Direction and/or The Spice Girls are good examples of manufactured artists.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Purpose Of Music Video

                                             Purpose of Music Video Promotions

Monday 18 September 2017

History Of Music Videos

                                                   THE HISTORY OF MUSIC VIDEO

Bing Crosby to Queen:

Frank Sinatra                             Bing Crosby                   Elvis Presley

These singers were the biggest stars during the time of 1940's to the 1950's
The only way their fans would be able to see them is through film/TV specials or live concerts. 


The Beatles were very popular, all around the world and they also produced two short films to promote their single record 'Paperback Writer' and 'Rain'. They were also the first ever artists to create/produce a music video.


Queen had also produced a music video for Bohemian Rhapsody in 1975 and it's important as it was the first music video ever to have a big impact on sales. After the video was released, the single had went to first place in the charts and was also regarded as a work of art in its own right.

Friday 15 September 2017

Album Art Excersie


For this exercise we had to create our own album covers in order to prepare for our digipak and magazine advert we would have to create for our chosen song and has a similar style as the music video. We did this exercise using Adobe Photoshop which I was able to work with as I use photoshop regularly. I have used the software before, but there was still room for me to experiment with other tools to create these album covers

Firstly, we took photographs to create an indie band album cover and we decided to choose the above photo for the final image. I then experimented with the photos colours by increasing the saturation and contrast to make the image seem more colourful, I then decided to increase the brightness slightly to make the image less dull. For the final photo effect I decided to place a filter over it which slightly distorted the image but the band members are still clearly visible, it's similar to the grainy effect. Lastly i decided to add text to the photo which was just the album name in a not too exaggerated font. 

The image above was taken to create an album cover for a girl band.  For this photo, I increased the saturation and brightness as the original photo was quite dark and seemed to give off an unhappy mood, which was the opposite of our intention. I added a vignette effect to circle around the band members as they are the main focus of the album cover. I had also added extra brightness coming from the top right corner to highlight over the girls.

For the last image, we took the photograph for a solo artist album cover. I had intentionally added to most brightness behind the artist in order to give a positive effect and to emphasise her happiness in her photo. I added another vignette effect only going through half of the photo and added the album cover name in the opposite corner of the brightness so it's easier to see and read. 

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Case Study: Foo Fighters

                                                      Case Study: Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters are an American rock band formed in America, Seattle in the 1990's. It was founded by the lead singer, Dave Grohl, who was previously the drummer for the band Nirvana. From July 2015, they have sold over 12 million album copies in the U.S.


The music video consists of mainly performance and the video is edited like a montage. The video is made to show life in a nutshell and what can happen in a lifespan, it can go from chaos, such as the car crash and dying roses, to the brighter side such as a child being born and people having a good time. Based on Andrew Goodwin's theory, this video amplifies the lyrics of the song.


This music video is based with a narrative but is also consists of parody and performance. The main narrative in the video is that it is mimicking a 70's TV Show and how the cast does not like one of the actors and that actor quits to then move on to being a music band. He is also trying to impress a girl who doesn't like how he's using popularity to impress. The song title 'Long Road To Ruin' is literally shown in the video by him driving in a car down a long road and near the end of a video her drives off a cliff as his life was being ruined.


This music video is performance and narrative based. It is illustrating the lyrics of the song as it shows the viewers that as you get older, you should live the rest of your days to the most and to not waste your life. This video makes a small reference to Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' as near the end there is a small sequence of dance where they are acting as zombies.


This music video is performance based and they are not mainly straight forward. They like to make you think more about the lyrics and the meaning behind it. Andrew Goodwin says that different sub genres have different, for example, boy bands such as One Direction and The Wanted, have synchronised dance routines and matching outfits. For other genres such as rock bands, they mostly have performance based music videos. We can see that Goodwin is right with this statement using Foo Fighters as an example.

Monday 11 September 2017

Editing to the Beat

                                                               Editing To The Beat

-cut to the beat

-add special effects

- use split screen

Then post the finished video onto your blog then write an analysis of how successful successful you have been in using all of the techniques used above.

Explain to the examiner why the techniques you have used may be used in a real music video.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Knowing Me Knowing You - ABBA Recreation/Evaluation

              Knowing Me Knowing You


For this exercise we had to recreate ABBA'S music video for Knowing Me Knowing You. I think our recreation was a success because we managed to recreate the variety of shots correctly  and I think we chose an appropriate location for the shooting of the video. I also think this was a success because we practised the choreography and the words to the song in order to get the lip sync on time. What I think we could have improved on is making sure the location was empty as near the end of the video you could see a few people in the background.

Friday 8 September 2017

Lip Sync Evaluation

                                                           Lip Sync Evaluation

For our lip sync exercise, we made a music video for the chosen song "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" which was by Elton John and Kiki Dee. The people in our group had different roles, two being in the video to lip sync, a person controlling the camera, another helping with the music and another helping the singers with their lines. For the video, we used a variety of shots in order to show focus on a specific singer whilst they were singing to make it clear for the audience. We used rolling shots with both in the frame and to do this, we used a dolly in order to create the shot. Then we used over the shoulder shots to show them individually when they were singing separately. 
To improve the finished product for this exercise, we could have filmed in other types of shots and cut the editing to be quicker to make to song seem more lively. here is our finished product.

Lip Sync Exercise

                                                              Lip Sync Exercise

For our lip sync exercise, we decided to choose the song "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" which was by Elton John.
These are the lyrics that we used for our exercise:

Don't go breaking my heart
I couldn't if I tried
Honey if I get restless
Baby you're not that kind

Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight off of me
Honey when you knock on my door
I gave you my key

Ooh nobody knows it
When I was down
I was your clown
Nobody knows it
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
I gave you my heart

Thursday 7 September 2017

Production Team

    Production Team 

Our production team consists of two members, Gintare Tamosyanite (Tara, left) and Diana Hukanovic (Right).

We both share similar creative skills and ideas and we both have similar music tastes.