Friday 15 September 2017

Album Art Excersie


For this exercise we had to create our own album covers in order to prepare for our digipak and magazine advert we would have to create for our chosen song and has a similar style as the music video. We did this exercise using Adobe Photoshop which I was able to work with as I use photoshop regularly. I have used the software before, but there was still room for me to experiment with other tools to create these album covers

Firstly, we took photographs to create an indie band album cover and we decided to choose the above photo for the final image. I then experimented with the photos colours by increasing the saturation and contrast to make the image seem more colourful, I then decided to increase the brightness slightly to make the image less dull. For the final photo effect I decided to place a filter over it which slightly distorted the image but the band members are still clearly visible, it's similar to the grainy effect. Lastly i decided to add text to the photo which was just the album name in a not too exaggerated font. 

The image above was taken to create an album cover for a girl band.  For this photo, I increased the saturation and brightness as the original photo was quite dark and seemed to give off an unhappy mood, which was the opposite of our intention. I added a vignette effect to circle around the band members as they are the main focus of the album cover. I had also added extra brightness coming from the top right corner to highlight over the girls.

For the last image, we took the photograph for a solo artist album cover. I had intentionally added to most brightness behind the artist in order to give a positive effect and to emphasise her happiness in her photo. I added another vignette effect only going through half of the photo and added the album cover name in the opposite corner of the brightness so it's easier to see and read. 

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