Tuesday 14 November 2017

Audience Research

Audience Research

Audience Research is very important process of our planning as this is where we gather feedback from others.  Gathering feedback can help our group because we can use this feedback for our video to make it more creative and original with other ideas.

We had to play our chosen song to our class and they had to answer questions and the questions were:

-What five words do you think of when you hear this song?
-What do you imagine the lead singer to look like?
-What colour/colours come to mind when you hear the song?
-What kind of scenes or themes do you imagine seeing in the video of the song?

We got our classmates to write down their answers:

Then below is a summary of most of the words that were said in the answers:

We also asked some girls in the class, as we thought they were fit for our target audience, for their opinions and feedback on our idea for our music video, this is what they said:

"I like the idea about it because it shows that girls can do what they want to do, however she might feel guilty at the end because she killed her boyfriend" -Gemma

"An interesting amplification of a love song, a unique take on the stereotypical conventions seen in "love" songs or in this case "not quite love" songs" -Megan

"A bit messed up, a cool idea" -Victoria

"I like the fact that the idea for this music video incorporates the lyrics but doesn't mirror it exactly the same. Shows another perspective." -Chloe

                   MEGAN                                                                                     VICTORIA

            GEMMA                                                                                         CHLOE

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